George Nobechi is a Japanese photographer. His work captures the feeling of isolation and disconnection from the world. His exhibition "Here. Still" which is part of his bigger project, "Unmoored" focuses in on watching the world through a small frame. This project was started by Nobechi after going through a very difficult patch in his life, loosing his father at the age of nineteen, and carrying on with his life to help support his family. Yet to no avail, he never felt whole. It seemed as though everything was coming undone and the solution was to leave and that's what Nobechi did, he left without a destination. Nobechi wounded up in a hotel room at Lake Louise, Canada and began reminiscing of the times his father took his family there, he began to feel a longing to talk to his father again and that was when the series "Here. Still" was born. Nobechi recalls his childhood in Tokyo as "organized chaos" when he looked out his window to...